Monday, November 29, 2010

Passion Project Keynote

This is my keynote I have used through out my passion project.
It is my process and it shows what I have been doing.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PMI Graphic organizer

This is my PMI on my thoughts at the end of my project.

My assessment

This is my self assessment for my passion project.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This weeks jobs

Today I have finalized my list of where I am going to put up my posters and when I am going to the SPCA to help out.
The places I am putting up my posters are Waihopai, Donovan, Sacred heart, Salford, Myrossbush and Enrich which are all primary schools around town.
I am excited and hoping I can make a difference to people caring about animals.